The Fog Dodgers invite all residents and visitors of the Mendocino Coast to join us on our weekly group runs and walks. We have runners and walkers of all abilities (and even some bikers) and we have only one "rule" - we start at exactly 8:00 a.m. on Sundays. Exercise at your own pace (1/2 hour out, 1/2 hour back) and experience the fresh Mendocino coastal air.

Fog Dodgers provides a fun, safe way to explore some of our local trails and back roads and to meet new friends. You can find out where we're going to be by reading the bottom of last week's post, then clicking on the "Our Routes" tab above. We average 15-20 persons each Sunday and typically half will go to breakfast together afterwards at a nearby restaurant.

Sunday, December 25, 2022


That was great!  Based upon  past experience, the weather, Christmas, Hanukkah, and travels, I've come to expect very small turnouts for this day of the year.  Today, we had a very nice group and even a visitor!  Thanks to Sky, for bringing along his neice, Terri.  Besides Sky and Terri, also present were: Rod, Cheryl, Scott, Bob, Fran, Deb, Sam, John, Kim, Doug, Nancy and Tom (14).  That's pretty good!

Thank you, John, for sending these photos for the blog.

                                                             Laurel Street, Fort Bragg

                                                                 Merry Christmas!

                                                Laurel and Franklin Streets, Fort Bragg

                                      Thanks Deb and Sam for bringing cookies!  

Nancy and I are hoping to do quite a bit more traveling, now that we are post-pandemic (??).  Besides Covid, we were also going through a move into town and a remodel project.  I've got a few "Golden Years" left and I'm anxious to try out the new motorhome.  I'm hoping that someone in our group will volunteer to take over as Main Blogger.  It's not difficult, believe me, I've been doing an email or a blog for 24 years now, and it's a great way to remember everyone's name.  We have a couple of other Authors that can usually fill in when you're not available.  Please let me know if you want to give it a try.  Thank you.

There is a lot of rain in the forecast this week.  Besides the rain, there are some very high tides.  This morning we talked about it, and decided that Russian Gulch State Park would be in good shape for a walk, not effected by rain or tide.  I hope to see everyone there to walk off whatever they ate or drank on New Year's Eve.  Happy New Year!

NEXT SUNDAY, 01/01/23, @ 8:00 A.M.: GROUP RUN/WALK/BIKE, RUSSIAN GULCH STATE PARK.  You can click on the "Our Routes" tab at the top to get directions, if needed.



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