The Fog Dodgers invite all residents and visitors of the Mendocino Coast to join us on our weekly group runs and walks. We have runners and walkers of all abilities (and even some bikers) and we have only one "rule" - we start at exactly 8:00 a.m. on Sundays. Exercise at your own pace (1/2 hour out, 1/2 hour back) and experience the fresh Mendocino coastal air.

Fog Dodgers provides a fun, safe way to explore some of our local trails and back roads and to meet new friends. You can find out where we're going to be by reading the bottom of last week's post, then clicking on the "Our Routes" tab above. We average 15-20 persons each Sunday and typically half will go to breakfast together afterwards at a nearby restaurant.

Sunday, June 7, 2020


Red winged blackbird
It was a great morning to be out!  We started at 8, with mostly clear skies, 53 degrees and just a slight breeze.

A minus tide (-1.7') made for good walking and almost good running along the water's edge.  It's always fun to search for shells and whatever else the tide may have left exposed.

Present today:  Cheryl N., Neil, Gay, Mark, Fran, Deb, Sam, Charlene, Ron, Toni, Joe, John, Scott, Bob, Shari, Nancy and Tom (17).
Fragrant Rhododendren, J. Loomis photo

Nye's Garden and barn, Cleone

Thanks, John, for all of today's photos.  

This was our 13th run/walk/bike since the Shelter In Place Order  was announced.  Things  
are beginning to normalize.  We all keep our masks ready or already on our faces.  We are fortunate to have the Coastal Trail.  Next week, we will again start 


Classic and Digital Phone Booths in Cleone

Summer Purple Poppy

(behind the Fort Bragg Fire Station).

County Shelter in Place Order continuespertinent section and current revision copied below:

  • Outdoor Recreation may now be initiated from within a 50 mile drive of one’s residence taking into account the new provisions in the  Facial Covering Order
  • When engaging in recreational activities in public, it is recommended that everyone bring a facial covering with them in a safe and accessible location and wear that where it is difficult to comply with social distancing requirements. However, the Order clarifies that for some public recreational activities which cause people to more forcefully expel airborne particles, the six feet social distance requirement may not be enough and may call for additional measures.
EVERY TUESDAY AND THURSDAY, GROUP RUN AND WALK @ 7:30 A.M.,   for now, we're starting behind the Fort Bragg Fire Station and using the Coastal Trail - Middle access on Tuesdays.  On Thursdays, we are starting at Harvest Market at Mendosa's, Mendocino.


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