The Fog Dodgers invite all residents and visitors of the Mendocino Coast to join us on our weekly group runs and walks. We have runners and walkers of all abilities (and even some bikers) and we have only one "rule" - we start at exactly 8:00 a.m. on Sundays. Exercise at your own pace (1/2 hour out, 1/2 hour back) and experience the fresh Mendocino coastal air.

Fog Dodgers provides a fun, safe way to explore some of our local trails and back roads and to meet new friends. You can find out where we're going to be by reading the bottom of last week's post, then clicking on the "Our Routes" tab above. We average 15-20 persons each Sunday and typically half will go to breakfast together afterwards at a nearby restaurant.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

MacKerricher Haul Road

Another very cold morning here, 41 when we started, but it felt much colder and there was a lot of frost along the trail  edges and on the Virgin Creek bridge.  It was a beautiful, clear morning.  There was a large swell coming in, which made for huge,  beautiful and very impressive wave, making me wonder how big the waves were at Maverick's today, for their annual "Big Wave" surfing contest. Just a real pretty morning.

I'm a little embarrassed, that I didn't recognize last week's photo for what it was.  Thanks, Gay, for pointing out that it was a bed full of naked ladies.  I should've known!

John took a few photos today, thank you, John.  I know, some of you are just getting back here after looking for those naked ladies.

                                                               Pudding Creek Cypress trees.

We had a very nice turnout today.  Hope that this includes everyone:  Fran,  Cindy, Jim, Gay, Mark, Melissa I., Randy E., Ginny, Terry, Orah, Steve, Nancy B., Rick, Craig, Neil, Greg, Tonita, Henry, Suzanne,  Toni, Joe,  Jan, Marc, John, Rod, Nancy and Tom (27)

  Burrowing Owl at MacKerricher State Park

John took this one previously, maybe last year.
We both like it and it does show MacKerricher State Park and the fun of being a kid!

NEXT SUNDAY, Jan. 27th @ 8:00 A.M.: NAVARRO RIDGE ROAD, see "Our Routes" above.  This is "by request" and I would add, it is worth the few extra miles of driving.  Do allow at least 10 more minutes than you would if going to Van Damme.  This road has some beautiful vistas and challenging hills.  Many really like the Whitesboro Grange Pancake Breakfast.

EVERY TUESDAY @ 7:15 A.M.: RUSSIAN GULCH STATE PARK, beginning on Point Cabrillo Drive, 1/10 of a mile north of its south end
EVERY THURSDAY @ 7:15 A.M.: VAN DAMME STATE PARK, beginning at the beach.


Anonymous said...

Wow, that is a pretty big group run on Sunday. Anyway, this is just a friendly reminder from your inland brothers of the Striders about the Willits Classic on February 10. Hope some of you Dodgers can come on out!

I don't see any other contact methods on this blog, so I hope I am not imposing on anyone.

Yours in Running, Danny

Tom said...

Thanks, Danny, for the reminder. I should have mentioned the Willits Classic earlier and will do so in next Sunday's blog. The Willits Classic offers a 5K and a 10 Mile Run. The 10M is my favorite race locally.

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