The Fog Dodgers invite all residents and visitors of the Mendocino Coast to join us on our weekly group runs and walks. We have runners and walkers of all abilities (and even some bikers) and we have only one "rule" - we start at exactly 8:00 a.m. on Sundays. Exercise at your own pace (1/2 hour out, 1/2 hour back) and experience the fresh Mendocino coastal air.

Fog Dodgers provides a fun, safe way to explore some of our local trails and back roads and to meet new friends. You can find out where we're going to be by reading the bottom of last week's post, then clicking on the "Our Routes" tab above. We average 15-20 persons each Sunday and typically half will go to breakfast together afterwards at a nearby restaurant.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Valentine's Week?

Signs of Spring

Cool Crisp Nights
Daylight sneaks earlier through my window
The scent of smoldering oak from a woodstove
Signs of springtime surround
A feathered friend
The lone brightly colored single bloom
Tree buds swelling
The early bird Robin seeks a red worm
It is Valentines Day
Another welcome sign of Spring

Happy Valentine Day
Happy signs of Spring

(Sorry, Tom and John. I fell "under the [beautiful] weather" this week, and didn't to your request to post this soon enough. But it's not yet Sunday, so a whole week hasn't passed yet....)