Thanks to John, for all of today's photos. When we had the recent rainy days, John sculpted the clown. The other photos are all local. John takes great photos!
Present today: Charlene, Fran, Gay, Mark, Barbara, Deb, Sam, Shari, Peter, John, Nancy and Tom (12).
Spring Ranch barns, Little River
Next Sunday, there's a -0.5 low tide at 6:30 a.m., not a great low tide but I think that at 8:00, it will still be low enough to provide a good walk or run on the beach. It has been 3 months since we met at Ward Ave.
SUNDAY, MAY 1ST, @ 8:OO A.M, GROUP RUN, WALK AND BIKE, WARD AVENUE. You can always click on the "Our Routes" button at the top of the page to find directions to the location.
EVERY TUESDAY AND THURSDAY, GROUP RUN/WALK @ 7:30 A.M.: Beginning behind the Fort Bragg Fire Station.